New things
Daily there are new things happening here at the Odle household. I've included pictures of just a few things that I'll briefly talk about. At the top is a picture of Ainsley's light-up princess sandals. She probably wears these the most now that it's in the 80s every day. Anyway, yesterday I said, "Ainsley, can you take off your shoes please?" (not actually thinking she would do it since she never has before) and she proceeded to sit down, unvelcro and remove both sandals! It was so cute and very impressive. Next... every night before bed Andy and I both go into Ainsley's room with her while she picks out a book for one of us to read to her. Now, she seemingly puts a lot of thought into this process, standing on her little step stool and scanning the shelves until she comes to her final decision. The last couple of weeks she has chosen "My Brother Martin" majority of the time. The reason this seems so funny to us is that it's a thin book (mixed in with big books) and it's totally not age appropriate (probably suits more like a 6 or 7 year old) but she just loves it. It's a short story about Martin Luther King Jr.'s childhood written by his sister. The next pictures are of the new overhead light in Ainsley's bedroom (I love IKEA) and the potty we bought for her. She hasn't actually started using it yet but it sits in the bathroom and she knows exactly what it's for. I'll keep you posted when there's progress in the potty training department.