What it's like
and which one's
the high chair! --->

She's starting to sit up on her own and, as you can see here (getting ready for bath time), she's quite pleased with herself. She
sits for a while before she falls over too so she's doing really well. --->

<--- We saw the health visitor and she said
Ainsley loves to think she's feeding herself so we usually have two spoons at every meal, one for eating and one for holding. Yogurt is her favourite food, strawberry, raspberry and apricot, but she loves every food she's tried. She's a great eater. ----->
We couldn't be more blessed, although she has her moments, Ainsley is the happiest, most laid back baby and very independent too. Also, I'm happy to announce that she is sleeping through the night! It took us letting her "cry it out" in the middle of the night one night (that was terrible, we felt like the worst parents in the entire world because the crying lasted for 55 minutes and all we wanted to do was pick her up) but, none the less, she does it! The average is 10-11 hours but we've had a 12 and a 13 hour night as well. So, all is well in the Odle household. I'll write more soon.
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