Watch me as I grow

This will be a quick one. Here's a picture of me just a few days ago. I'm 22 weeks now. I think, as long as I fit, I will wear the same outfit for every picture so you have a more accurate idea of how I'm growing. We just had a midwife appointment today which went well. She measured the baby and said it is "spot on" with how it should be growing. I got weighed and so far I've only gained about 4 pounds. I was worried that's not enough but she reassured me that's just fine. Don't worry everyone...I eat PLENTY! We heard the heartbeat again and although I still haven't physically felt it, the baby was kicking and moving around from what we could hear on the little machine the midwife was using. Hopefully I'll feel it moving soon. Anyway, that's it for now. Enjoy the picture. Let me know if you can notice a difference from 3 weeks ago. I sure can!
Getting on your blog again - I love reading it! Good pix too!
The updates are great!
Pretty soon you will wish the baby would take a break from moving!
Love you
aunt Berta
ok the two of you, Michelle and I have been very late in posting to your blog. It's not that we haven't thought about you at all, just busy with all things the Hart's are doing back here in Bothell. I spoke with your Mom this evening and she sounds good. Very excited for your first, and of course another Gran baby. Michelle and I are excited too. It's gonna be just wonderful to see you both as parents. We love you both! Ok, we'll check now every other day or so to ensure that something hasn't happened, although we want something to come around. Your Mom is sure to call us if something happens before she leaves. Love and prayers to you both!
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