Everyday in Atlanta G-A

Andy, Amy and Ainsley in Atlanta

My Photo
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

We love our little girl and now have another one coming soon! Stay tuned...



Ainsley:"I want to go in the business center
Daddy." (Of course that actually sounds more like, "Ooh, ooh, ooh" while pointing to the door)
Andy: "No, come on sweetie, Daddy needs coffee. Let's go in the clubhouse."

Ainsley: "How about the gym? I love to walk on the treadmill and look in the big mirrors."

Andy: "No sweetie. As long as there's noone in there we'll go in there in a few minutes. Come on. We'll play some putt putt."
Ainsley: (reaching for the golf clubs) "Can you get those for me Daddy? I need both of them to start with. I also must have all 5 balls around the hole at once."
Andy: "Can you show Mommy how you hit the balls in the hole?"
Ainsley: "Of course I can. Mommy, watch this! (Hits the balls in then claps) Yay!"

This is just a sample of what the routine is like every morning. There's also stairs which she loves to climb up and down several times and would gladly try to do on her own if we weren't watching her every move. As you can see in the picture, it is a steep set of stairs so we prefer she doesn't attempt it solo for quite some time. Also, whenever we are walking to the car she has to be sure she's holding the keys so she can press the unlock button and hear the "conk conk" or honk honk as we adults like to say.


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